Quality of Life Consultation

As your beloved cat approaches its latter years or becomes seriously ill, it may be difficult to know when it's time to let them cross the "rainbow bridge".

This can be such a sad time accompanied by difficult decisions.

Because I have assisted in thousands of these events, I can offer guidance on what to do and how to go about it.  You don't have to face this decision alone.

Sometimes, a different medical protocol or surgery is all that's needed to allow your cat to eliminate illness or reduce pain and live on for years.

Sometimes the conclusion may be different, and it's right to make sure they don't needlessly suffer by extending their life.

Either way, with full knowledge of your cat's condition, we can advise you on options while honoring your wishes for a cat that you have a bond with.

It's important that at these times, we have these honest discussions for the good of both the cat and the owner.